Dorobek naukowy SKN 2018/19
Rok akademicki 2018/19
Publikacje pełne
1. Błocka-Gumowska M, Holka J, Ciepiela O. Hypersegmentation of granulocytes and polymorphonuclear monocytes in patient with myelofibrosis treated with hydroxyurea. Turk J Haematol 2019; 36(2):120-121
Doniesienia zjazdowe
1. Justyna Holka, Monika Błocka-Gumowska. Hypersegmentation of granulocytes and monocytes in a patient with primary myelofibrosis Treated with Hydroxycarbamide. Lublin Internatiolnal Medical Congres 30.11-1.12.2018
2. Monika Słomka. One blood sample – three different results. An effect of lipemia on complete blood count. Lublin Internatiolnal Medical Congres 30.11-1.12.2018
3. Izabela Michalczewska. The frequency of ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis diagnosis in patients with atypical ANCA presence. Lublin Internatiolnal Medical Congres 30.11-1.12.2018